What is color, really?

I have learned that color is not exactly what i had thought it would be. Learning the physics and science behind color has demystified it's physical effect and has also showed me how how such logic can now be used in my advantage while creating artwork. 

Light. It is something we sue each and every day, but little do many of us know that it is the root of every visual image we are able to capture. And I am not talking about ''painting light'' as in the differences in values represented in paintings and drawings. Im speaking of sheer physical light. Color is a direct product of the way light functions in our environment and our biological response (our eyes). Color is a wave length that is created when light reflects off a surface. The length of the wave combination determines the hue, saturation and value of color. 

Very interesting stuff! Gives me much more insight into how color can be manipulated. This information can definitely be used to my advantage.

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